Marian Kuliczkowski PhD with habilitation
ORCID number
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Professor at the Academy of Justice in the Institute of Security Sciences.
I specialise in the issues of state defence preparations realised in the national security system of the Republic of Poland. His main areas of activity include participation in the teaching and research and development process of the Academy. As an academic teacher, he has developed programmes, syllabuses and charters for subjects covering national defence preparations and crisis management in Poland. Combining his scientific interests with didactic work, he has taken steps to ensure the casing of the subjects taught. He is a co-author of an academic textbook entitled Non-military defence preparations in Poland. The handbook systematises and organises knowledge and practical experience in the area of defence preparations in the non-military part of the national defence system. He conducts didactic classes (lectures, seminars and exercises) in these subjects for students at all levels of teaching (undergraduate and graduate as well as postgraduate studies). In addition, he actively participates in the implementation of training at Higher Defence Courses and commercial Defence Courses dedicated to public administration employees and companies. Between 2009 and 2019, when I was the manager of these courses implemented academies, more than 1,600 people were trained, including about 300 Prison Service officers.
His scientific activity has been inextricably linked with various forms of teaching activities. Curricular activities with students in the disciplines of National Security and Homeland Security, as well as classes with postgraduate and doctoral students have had a significant impact on the expansion of his personal research and teaching skills. He has been a member of the Security Science Discipline Council since June 2020. From 2020 to 2023 appointed by the Security Science Discipline Council to doctoral committees. During this period he has been a reviewer for two PhD theses and I have participated in the public defence of 9 PhD theses.
Within the framework of cooperation with the civilian community, he conducts defence training on issues of state defence preparations for managerial staff and employees of public administration and enterprises. I popularise the issues of national security, including defence preparations of the state on my website:
His scientific output includes numerous monographs and publications in scientific journals and participation in research projects in the area of security and defence. He is a co-organiser and active participant in numerous scientific conferences and seminars devoted to issues of security and defence of the state.
since 2023 Academy of Justice, Institute of Security Sciences
since 1 March 2023 as Professor at the Academy of Justice
since 2009 National Defence Academy, Department of National Security, Institute of State Security – in the position of:
– Assistant Professor at the Institute of State Security (2009 -2015);
– Head of the Department of State Defence Preparations (2016-2020);
– university professor from 2020
2004 – 2008 Department of Defence Strategy and Planning of the Ministry of Defence, Senior Specialist in the Department of Militarisation
2003 – 2004 Higher School of Humanities in Pułtusk, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science
1989 – 2003 General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces Senior Specialist in the General Directorate of Personnel Resources
1980 – 1989 Command of the Military Unit 3688 – Warsaw Chief of the Division Car Service Supply.
Scientific achievements
‘The place and role of public administration in the process of defence preparations in Poland’,
accepted for publication in the scientific journal International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences (IJONESS)-confirmed deadline for publication by the end of February 2024. -
‘NATO’s Collective Defence. Selected problems of defence preparations in Poland, in the context of allied commitments’.
accepted for publication in the scientific journal International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences (IJONESS) - confirmed publication date by the end of February 2024.