Dawid Lipski PhD
ORCID number
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Doctor of Philosophy on the basis of the thesis “The dispute between Thomas Aquinas and John Peckham over the unity of substantial form in man. Sources and consequences” (2014). PhD thesis awarded with distinction by the Council of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. Master’s Degree in Philosophy in 2008. Graduated with honours.
Since 2020, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Foundations of Penitentiary Studies of the Academy of Justice. Scholarship holder of the Scholarship and Training Fund (Liechtenstein), the Lanckoroński of Brzezie Foundation (London) and the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (Cologne). Editor for the journal “Pro Fide, Rege et Lege” and for the “Rocznik Tomistyczny”. Certified teacher of ethics in primary and secondary education.
Academic interests: ancient and medieval philosophy, philosophy of man, Thomism, ethics, didactics, pedagogy
Scientific achievements
Journal of security and sustainability issues, Volume 11 (2021)
Pedagogical aspects of philosophical education with reference to penitentiary systems
DiG Publishing, 2020 -
The ethics of protecting persons as a proposal for philosophical education in secondary schools
Pedagogical aspects of philosophical education with reference to penitentiary systems. Warsaw: Academy of Justice; 2020 -
Man – State – Education. The perspective of consistent Thomism
Pro Fide Rege et Lege, No. 83/2020, pp. 212–221 -
Teaching ethics in primary schools – selected remarks
The Thomistic Yearbook, No. 8 (2019), Scientific Society of Thomology, pp. 37–43 -
Ethics of protecting people; Pedagogy; Politics; Influencing the scientific community at home and abroad
Mieczysław Gogacz (A. Andrzejuk, D. Lipski, M. Płotka, M. Zembrzuski), series title: Polska Filozofia Chrześcijańska XX wieku, Vol. 1. Kraków: Ignatianum University Press; 2019 -
Ethics of Protecting Persons; Pedagogy; Politics; The Impact on the Domestic and Foregin Scientific Community
“Mieczysław Gogacz” The Polish Christian Philosophy in 20th Century, Vol. 1. Kraków: Ignatianum University Press; 2019 -
Thomas Sutton, De esse et essentia (introduction)
Warsaw 2018 -
Polish Culture Summer University in Rome
Warsaw-London 2018 -
Philosophical presuppositions of Jacques Maritain’s integral humanism
Pro Fide Rege et Lege, No. 77–78 (2017), pp. 267–275 -
The problem of the existence and essence in the views of Thomas of Sutton
The Thomistic Yearbook, No. 5 (2016), Scientific Society of Thomology, pp. 291–304 -
John Peckham and Thomas Aquinas. The dispute over the unity of the substantial form in man
Opera Philosophorum Medii Aevi", Vol. 15. Warsaw: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Publishing House; 2015 -
Oskar Halecki and the Polish University Abroad
Philosophy at the Polish University Abroad. Warsaw-London: Wydawnictwo Von Borowiecky; 2014 -
Some remarks on the history of philosophy and its significance
Pro Fide, Rege et Lege, No. 2 (68) 2012, pp. 274–278 -
Professor Mieczysław Gogacz’s approach to ethics
Mieczysław Gogacz. Philosophy and Mysticism (eds. I. Andrzejuk, T. Klimski). Warsaw: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Publishing House; 2012 -
Władysław Tatarkiewicz’s analysis of Aristotle’s philosophy system
Filo-sofija, Rok XI, No. 13-14 (2011/2-3), pp. 521–534 -
De propositionibus modalibus
Opera Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Vol. 9 fasc. 1 (Translation of the Latin text). Warsaw: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Publishing House; 2011 -
“Material man” – some remarks of classical philosophy on the structure of man
Pro Fide, Rege et Lege, No. 2 (66) 2010, pp. 146–152 -
The problem of existence in the dispute between Thomas of Sutton and Godfried of Fontaines
Pro Fide, Rege et Lege, No. 3 (64) 2009, pp. 101–106 -
Researcher of the grant “Thomism in a Time of Plague” (contract number: 18754/20) granted by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the NCK as part of the “Culture in the Web” programme
2020 -
Member of the research team of the grant “Pomniki Polskiej Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej XX wieku” [Monuments of Polish Christian Philosophy of the 20th century] (0033/FIL/2016/90) within the programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education entitled “Pomniki polskiej myśli filozoficznej, teologicznej i społecznej XX i XXI wieku [Monuments of Polish philosophical, theological and social thought of the 20th and 21st centuries]
2018-2020 -
Researcher of research grant “Działalność Uniwersytetu Letniego Kultury Polskiej w Rzymie w latach 1987–2008” [Activities of the Summer University of Polish Culture in Rome in 1987-2008]” (IPAK/grant/1/2016) of the Polish Institute of Catholic Action in Great Britain
2016-2018 -
Manager of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University projects financed by grants for the development of young researchers and participants of doctoral studies
2011, 2012, 2013 -
Foreign scholarships
The Lanckoroński of Brzezie Foundation Scholarship for a research stay in London
w realizacji -
DAAD scholarship for a research stay at the Thomas Institut in Cologne
2011 -
The Lanckoroński of Brzezie Foundation Scholarship for a research stay in London
2011 -
Scholarship from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism under the Scholarship and Training Fund – study visit to Liechtenstein
Organisational achievements
Editor of the Philosophy section of the semi-annual journal “Pro Fide, Rege et Lege”
Member of the editorial board of the periodical
Member of the Board of the Towarzystwa Naukowego Myśli Politycznej i Prawnej [Scientific Society of Political and Legal Thought]
Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne [Scientific Thomistic Society]
Other achievements
Professor Mieczysław Gogacz Award for the best Master’s thesis (2008)
Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the year 2007/2008
Scholarship of the Centre for the Thought of John Paul II for the year 2007/2008